Posts Tagged ‘the office’
at work
Posted: 4th June 2013 by socomic in Various comics, illustrations & sketchesTags: Work, at work, the office, stuff, linzie hunter, meeting room, go away
Ο κύριος Μπιντού #2
Posted: 5th December 2012 by socomic in Νικόλας Στεφαδούρος (Stef)Tags: κύριος Μπιντού, Stef, Γραφεία Ριζοσπαστικής Οργάνωσης Ζουρλών, ΡΟΖ, Όροφος, Παπαδόπουλος, γραφείο, τάξη, the office, office policy