Posts Tagged ‘Smiths’

This entry is part 152 of 168 in the series Tales of The Smiths


Οι Smiths κλείνουν την πρώτη τους συναυλία, αλλά το πρόβλημα με την εύρεση drummer συνεχίζει…

English Version


The Smiths book their first gig, but their drummer problems persist…

It’s time that the tale were told!

This entry is part 151 of 168 in the series Tales of The Smiths


Οι Smiths ζητούν από την New Hormones να τους υπογράψουν (ενώ ο drummer τους προκαλεί νέους πονοκεφάλους). It’s time that the tale were told!



The Smiths ask New Hormones to sign them on (and their drummer, Funky Si, causes them more headaches)

It’s time that the tale were told!

This entry is part 149 of 168 in the series Tales of The Smiths


Ο Morrissey καλεί την φιλενάδα του, Annalisa, για να τραγουδήσει δεύτερα φωνητικά …ωστόσο ο νέος drummer των Smiths τον μισεί. It’s time that the tale were told!





Morrissey invites his girlfriend Annalisa to sing backing vocals …however, The Smiths’ new drummer severely despises him.


This entry is part 148 of 168 in the series Tales of The Smiths




Αυγ 1982. Οι Smiths ηχογραφούν το πρώτη τους demo δυο τραγουδιών στα Decibelle studios.





Aug 1982. The Smiths record their first two track demo at Decibelle studios.

This entry is part 146 of 168 in the series Tales of The Smiths




Οι Smiths τα έχουν βρει σκούρα με την εύρεση κατάλληλου drummer δοκιμάζοντας όλους όσους ξέρουν στο Manchester.
The Smiths have a hard time finding the appropriate drummer, trying out everyone they know in Manchester.
This entry is part 143 of 168 in the series Tales of The Smiths


Ο Morrissey και ο Johnny υποχρεώνουν τον Dale να κουρευτεί σαν τα πρότυπα τουs από την δεκαετία του ’50.


Morrissey and Johnny force Dale to get a flattop haircut, just like their ’50s heroes.


This entry is part 142 of 168 in the series Tales of The Smiths


O Steven Morrissey και ο John Maher αλλάζουν τα ονόματα τους σε (σκέτο) Morrissey και Johnny Marr.


Steven Morrissey and John Maher change their names to Morrissey and Johnny Marr.


This entry is part 139 of 168 in the series Tales of The Smiths




Το συγκρότημα του Morrissey και του Johnny έχουν μια πρώτη απώλεια, όταν ο Johnny διώχνει τον φίλο του, Steven Pomfret. t’s time that the tale were told!
Morrissey and Johnny’s band suffers its first casualty, when Johnny kicks out his mate, Steven Pomfret.t’s time that the tale were told!