Posts Tagged ‘James Dean is Not Dead’

This entry is part 120 of 168 in the series Tales of The Smiths






 Τales of The Smiths> by Con

These things take time 1982. Ο Morrissey τελειώνει την βιογραφία James Dean is Not Dead και το δοκίμιο Exit Smiling, για την καταπάτηση των γυναικείων δικαιωμάτων στο Hollywood. Αλλά ποια η τύχη των συγγραμμάτων του;
These things take time,1982. Morrissey completes his biography, James Dean is Not Dead, and the essay Exit Smiling, regarding the impingement of women’s rights in Hollywood; but what was the fate of his monographs?