Posts Tagged ‘It’s time that the tale were told’

This entry is part 148 of 168 in the series Tales of The Smiths




Αυγ 1982. Οι Smiths ηχογραφούν το πρώτη τους demo δυο τραγουδιών στα Decibelle studios.





Aug 1982. The Smiths record their first two track demo at Decibelle studios.

This entry is part 147 of 168 in the series Tales of The Smiths




Ο Johnny έρχεται σε επαφή με τον Simon Wolstencroft για να γίνει ο drummer των Smiths. It’s time that the tale were told!


Johnny contacts Simons Wolstencroft in order to become the new drummer of The Smiths.

It’s time that the tale were told!

This entry is part 146 of 168 in the series Tales of The Smiths




Οι Smiths τα έχουν βρει σκούρα με την εύρεση κατάλληλου drummer δοκιμάζοντας όλους όσους ξέρουν στο Manchester.
The Smiths have a hard time finding the appropriate drummer, trying out everyone they know in Manchester.
This entry is part 145 of 168 in the series Tales of The Smiths


Οι Smiths δοκιμάζουν δυο πρώην συνεργάτες του Johnny από τις μέρες του στους White Dice και Sister Ray για νέα μέλη.



The Smiths try out two former bandmates of Johnny’s from his White Dice and Sister Ray days as new members.


This entry is part 144 of 168 in the series Tales of The Smiths




Οι Smiths αποφασίζουν ότι η εικόνα που θα προβάρουν θα είναι …’60s gay serial killers!


The Smiths decide that the image they will project will be that of …’60s gay serial killers!




Oι συναντήσεις των The Smiths…It’s time that the tale were told!


Hanging out with Steven Morrissey…It’s time that the tale were told!

This entry is part 142 of 168 in the series Tales of The Smiths


O Steven Morrissey και ο John Maher αλλάζουν τα ονόματα τους σε (σκέτο) Morrissey και Johnny Marr.


Steven Morrissey and John Maher change their names to Morrissey and Johnny Marr.





O Morrissey και ο Johnny βαφτίζουν το συγκρότημα τους, THE SMITHS. Πως και γιατί;
Morrissey and Johnny christen their band THE SMITHS. How and why?