Posts Tagged ‘Fly’
I can’t figure that guy out…
Posted: 3rd April 2014 by socomic in Various comics, illustrations & sketchesTags: peanuts, Snoopy, Fly, I can't figure that guy out
Posted: 18th January 2014 by socomic in Various comics, illustrations & sketchesTags: I'm late, late, Fly, dream, Work, dreams, Matt Madden
It’s lonely at the top
Posted: 25th February 2013 by socomic in Retro HectorTags: Rock, mission, shot, hector apostolopoulos, game, lonely at the top, alf, hitch, Hector, adversity, Έκτορας, hanging, Έκτορας Αποστολόπουλος, watch this baby fly, jerry, small talk, deep breath, retro hector, goofing around, Fly, duckie
Jetpack Solves Everything
Posted: 22nd February 2013 by socomic in Various comics, illustrations & sketchesTags: Fly, girls, poorlydrawnlines, relationship, break up, chat, Jetpack Solves Everything
Posted: 26th November 2012 by socomic in TomekTags: μεθυσμένος, Τομεκ, wasted, Στραβός, Ανάποδος, Τυφλοπόντικας, Mole, Τυφλόμυγα, Μύγα, Τυφλός, Fly, Τύφλα, tomek, Drunk.
Σίγουρα δεν έβλεπε την τύφλα του ο Tomek ή ήταν πολύ τύφλα όταν έφτιαχνε αυτό το στριπάκι. Αλλιώς δεν εξηγείται…
Posted: 10th October 2012 by socomic in TomekTags: Νύχτα, day off, Superhero, ρεπό, υπερήρωας, Μύγα, Rubber Man, Fly, άνθρωπος λάστιχο, tomek, Koulouri, Κουλούρι, Τομεκ
Τώρα να δούμε πως θα σώσει τον κόσμο ο ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΣ ΛΑΣΤΙΧΟ…;
Δείτε ΕΔΩ τις προηγούμενες περιπέτειες του Ανθρώπου- Λάστιχο
Δείτε ΕΔΩ τις προηγούμενες περιπέτειες του Ανθρώπου- Λάστιχο
Άκη το μυγάκι
Posted: 13th August 2012 by socomic in Various comics, illustrations & sketchesTags: the very closed circle, Χριστίνα, aki the fly, christine, Fly