Posts Tagged ‘cover’

The New Yorker

Posted: 6th February 2014 by socomic in Comic & Book Covers
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new yorker


“Snow is inherently nostalgic. It encourages you to travel back and think about your life. I think it’s something about the way it blankets reality, sort of erasing the present one dead pixel at a time. And that makes room for the past,” says Tomer Hanuka, about his image “Perfect Storm.”

by Tomer Hanuka via:newyorker

This entry is part 17 of 174 in the series Socomic covers

Petros Xristoulias

Ο Πέτρος Χριστούλιας σκιτσάρει το σημερινό εξώφυλλο του
Διαβάστε παρακάτω την ιστορία πίσω από το εξώφυλλο…

“Οι Αλκυονίδες τελείωσαν και όσα πουλιά προλαβαν να ζευγαρώσουν πρόλαβαν. Οι γάτοι του Γενάρη όμως είναι παντός καιρού.”

The New Yorker

Posted: 26th January 2014 by socomic in Comic & Book Covers
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the new yorker


by Peter de Sève via:thenewyorker

Cover Story: “Putting together a cover like this is a little bit like cooking,” says Peter de Sève about his image, “Just a Pinch.” “Having the right ingredients is one thing, but knowing how much to put in is just as important. At first, I sketched a regular guy in the foreground spreading salt from a big bag, and the chef in the background adding ‘just a pinch.’ By the third sketch, it became clear to me that I didn’t need the other guy. With the right body language, the chef would say it all.”

Tv Magazine

Posted: 23rd January 2014 by socomic in Comic & Book Covers
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The New Yorker

Posted: 16th January 2014 by socomic in Comic & Book Covers
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the new yorker


by Sempé via:espantajerias

thingsinmyhouse 004

thingsinmyhouse 003

thingsinmyhouse 007


Things in My House – written & illustrated by Joe Kaufman.


This entry is part 18 of 174 in the series Socomic covers




Ο Σπύρος Δερβενιώτης σκιτσάρει το εξώφυλλο του με θέμα τoυς καλικάτζαρους (διαβάστε παρακάτω).
Κάθε Δευτέρα γνωστοί σκιτσογράφοι σχεδιάζουν ένα μοναδικό εξώφυλλο για το

“Οι Καλικάντζαροι, παρά τα θρυλούμενα των Παραδόσεων, δεν κρύβονται σε κουζίνες αγροτόσπιτων, ημισκότεινα δάση, πηγάδια, σταύλους, αποθήκες. Κρύβονται, όσοι έχουν απομείνει, σ’αυτά που ο Neil Gaiman είχε άριστα περιγράψει ως “Soft Places” : Μέρη όπου το σύνορο μεταξύ πραγματικότητας και φανταστικού είναι ευάλωτο  και ασαφές. Περισσότερο απ’το σταυρό, ήταν οι Εξερευνητές, και όσα τους ακολούθησαν, που “ξόρκισαν” τα “Αχνά Μέρη”, αφήνοντας πίσω τους έναν κόσμο χωρίς εκπλήξεις.”

The New Yorker

Posted: 1st January 2014 by socomic in Comic & Book Covers
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This entry is part 3 of 28 in the series magazine covers

the new yorker


‘All Together Now’ New Yorker Cover By Chris Ware

“This is the first cover of 2014. I drew the first of 2013 after chaperoning my daughter’s school class to a production of “The Nutcracker” and hearing about the Newtown shooting shortly after the school bus pulled into the parking lot.”
