Posts Tagged ‘cover’

This entry is part 41 of 174 in the series Socomic covers


socomic cover (1)


σημερινό εξώφυλλο του από τον Χρήστο Σταμπουλή...διαβάστε παρακάτω σχετικά

Το “fantasy” περιέχει μια θεματολογία με πολύ διασκεδαστικά στερεότυπα για τα δύο φύλα. Εκεί οι γυναίκες φοράνε αδικαιολόγητα λίγα ρούχα που καλύπτουν όμως με περισσή σπουδή και αστείο πουριτανισμό μόνο κάποια λίγα τετραγωνικά εκατοστά  σε συγκεκριμένα σημεία του σώματος, ενώ οι άντρες είναι συνήθως γυμνόστηθοι ως ένδειξη του πόσο ατρόμητοι είναι.

Όμως, αλίμονο, και να ήθελες να παίξεις κάνοντας μια αντιστροφή αυτών των ρόλων, πάλι θα σκοντάφτες στην ανάγκη να… ευπρεπίσεις την γυναικεία παρουσία!

Όμως όχι πια! Το μάθατε; Στην Νέα Υόρκη οι γυναίκες μπορούν πλέον να κυκλοφορούν γυμνόστηθες, όπως και οι άντρες! Hurray!




“Memorial Plaza,” by Adrian Tomine

“When I heard that the 9/11 memorial and museum were going to be the top tourist attractions in New York this summer,” Adrian Tomine says about this week’s cover, “I first sketched only tourists going about their usual happy activities, with the memorial in the background. But when I got to the site, I instantly realized that there was a lot more to be captured—specifically, a much, much wider range of emotions and reactions, all unfolding in shockingly close proximity. I guess that’s the nature of any public space, but when you add in an element of such extreme grief and horror, the parameters shift.”

The New Yorker

Posted: 25th June 2014 by socomic in Comic & Book Covers
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“I went on a whale watching trip with my wife and daughter,” Bruce McCall, the artist of this week’s cover, says. “We were half an hour out of Montauk, in the middle of the ocean, between Block Island and the North Shore, and suddenly these huge things came rolling up. It was just amazing—they’re so gigantic and so beautiful. I’m not often impressed by nature, but I remember that feeling when we saw the whales suddenly appear besides us, and it was very magical.”



This entry is part 39 of 174 in the series Socomic covers



σημερινό εξώφυλλο του από τον Γιώργο Γούση

” …στ᾿ ἀριστερό σου χέρι μία γραμμὴ μιὰ χαρακιὰ στὸ γόνατό σου, τάχα νὰ ὑπάρχουν στὴν ἄμμο τοῦ περασμένου καλοκαιριοῦ τάχα νὰ μένουν ἐκεῖ ποὺ φύσηξε ὁ βοριὰς… Γιώργος Σεφέρης, Επιφάνια, 1937 “



This entry is part 38 of 174 in the series Socomic covers

Socomic cover



Το σημερινό εξώφυλλο του είναι σχεδιασμένο από την Σοφία Σπυρλιάδου…Διαβάσττε σχετικά

” Η Ρίτα έχει διαπιστώσει πως ο διαλογισμός βοηθάει πολύ στις σαββατοκυριακάτικες αποδράσεις της στη Χαλκιδική”

The New Yorker

Posted: 28th May 2014 by socomic in Comic & Book Covers
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The New Yorker



by Bruce McCall

” I’ve been trying forever to find a way to honor the food-delivery guys,” Bruce McCall, the artist who painted this week’s cover, says. “I wanted to show what heroes they are; they’re intrepid, pedaling along at any time of night to deliver food to New Yorkers. We usually rely on my wife Polly’s cooking—she’s marvelous at it—but when she comes home late after a long day of work, then we’ll take the easy way out. Well, easy for us, at least.”


the new yorker


by Saul Steinberg “Love of Baseball”

” Saul Steinberg, who escaped from Italy and came to America during the Second World War, believed that in order to understand this country you had to study baseball. He and I were friends for the last twenty years of his life, and by then he had the subject mastered.”


The New Yorker



Mother’s Day via Roz Chast

“There must be some long German compound word for the feelings that most people have about their parents, this mix, this stew of gratitude and resentment,” says Roz Chast, “or maybe I’m just speaking for myself.”