Posts Tagged ‘chat’
Jetpack Solves Everything
Posted: 22nd February 2013 by socomic in Various comics, illustrations & sketchesTags: chat, Jetpack Solves Everything, Fly, girls, poorlydrawnlines, relationship, break up
The Bechdel Test
Posted: 15th February 2013 by socomic in Various comics, illustrations & sketchesTags: chat, women, Alison Bechdel, The Bechdel Test, women talk about men, talk
The limits of the universe
Posted: 3rd February 2013 by socomic in Retro HectorTags: small talk, retro hector, mind blowing, finite, talk, boundaries, Universe, the limits of the universe, Hector, limits, Έκτορας, duckie, Έκτορας Αποστολόπουλος, chat
Chuck and Beans
Posted: 3rd December 2012 by socomic in Various comics, illustrations & sketchesTags: weather, connect, chuck & beans, facebook, tweet, twitter, status update, update, chat, chilly