Posts Tagged ‘books’

This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series 71

tom gauld



Tom Gauld spotted:exitsmiling

Tom Gauld

by Tom Gauld via: myjetpack

the death

Posted: 14th November 2013 by socomic in Various comics, illustrations & sketches
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by Anders Nilsen check the book here

tom gauld



by Tom Gauld,

an alphabet of books



Tom Gauld via:myjetpack

evans beth


by Beth Evans

polka dots


First edition of Polka Dot by Charlotte Steiner, published in 1947. And nothing says polka dots more than Bill Griffith’s familiar pop culture icon Zippy the pinhead, who returns in this 2006 edition, Connect the Polka Dots.



Franco Matticchio



by Franco Matticchio