Archive for the ‘Vintage Comics’ Category
Vinyl Records
Posted: 10th July 2012 by socomic in Vintage ComicsTags: vintage, music, old, Vinyl Records, records
what I did on my summer vacations
Posted: 9th July 2012 by socomic in Vintage ComicsTags: spiderman, vintage, aunt may, Peter Parker, dull life, spider-man
First world problems
Posted: 7th July 2012 by socomic in Vintage ComicsTags: vintage, hair, problems, powder
Posted: 5th July 2012 by socomic in Vintage ComicsTags: adventures of tin tin, Dupont, tin tin, BHOHHH, dupont et dupond, Thomson and Thompson
National Geographic’s “Making of America”
Posted: 5th July 2012 by socomic in Vintage ComicsTags: National Geographic's "Making of America", Tom McNeely
Στη δεκαετία του ’80 ο Tom McNeely δημιούργησε μια σειρά 17 “Making of America” χαρτών για το National Geographic. Εδώ είναι ένα close up από τη δουλειά του.