Archive for the ‘Vintage Comics’ Category

the final countdown

Posted: 31st December 2012 by socomic in Vintage Comics
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no turning back


via: vintagecoolillustrated

The Panda Sees All

Posted: 28th December 2012 by socomic in Vintage Comics
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the panda



Love by Starlight

Posted: 26th December 2012 by socomic in Vintage Comics
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Anti-Suffragettes comics

Posted: 17th December 2012 by socomic in Vintage Comics
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the sug

the sug





…με χιουμοριστικές αναφορές για το κίνημα των Suffragettes, διάφορα cartoon και γελοιογραφίες της εποχής…


” Suffragettes were drawn as conniving coquettes, ugly, mean spinsters or, worse, ugly, mean wives who left their families helpless as they attended town-hall meetings. Scenes of women politicians showed them hatching diabolical plots to undermine and emasculate men further. …

“Married Suffragettes were depicted as nagging wives, that was a common one, and the wife was always big, and the husband tiny and puny,” [historian June] Purvis says. “Or, if they were single, Suffragettes were depicted as very ugly women with big feet, protruding teeth, hair pulled back in a bun, and glasses. They were depicted as quite mannish and unattractive so that no man would want to marry them.”



Save yourself

Posted: 11th December 2012 by socomic in Vintage Comics
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run as fast as u can!


born to win


Not again!

Posted: 5th December 2012 by socomic in Vintage Comics
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αφιερωμένο σε όσους έχουν blog και καθημερινά αναγκάζουν τους φίλους τους να ακούνε μουσική μόνο από το blog τους..(δε φαντάζεστε πόσοι πολλοί είναι αυτοί…)

peanuts by Charles Schulz


Superman’s joke

Posted: 30th November 2012 by socomic in Vintage Comics
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by  22 via:thecuriousbrain