Archive for August, 2014

This entry is part 17 of 36 in the series LE.VA show





Η γραμματεία της σχολής, ένα κεφάλαιο ξεχωριστό σε κάθε τμήμα…LE.VA Show κάθε Παρασκευή στο SoComic, από τον JVoulg.


ΔΙΑΓΩΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΥΠΟΜΟΝΗΣ: Όλοι έχουμε περάσει μια μικρή ή μεγάλη”δοκιμασία” από τη γραμματεία της σχολής μας. Γράψτε μας, μέχρι την Παρασκευή 29/08 ώρα 10:00  με λίγα λόγια τη δική σας αναμονή, για ένα τυπικό έγγραφο που ζητήσατε και μπείτε στην κλήρωση για 2 συσκευασίες του κιλού Nucrema.

This entry is part 138 of 168 in the series Tales of The Smiths





Ο Johnny και ο Morrissey συζητούν για την στρατηγική του συγκροτήματος και αποφασίζουν να ξεφορτωθούν μέλος της μπάντας για πρώτη (και όχι τελευταία) φορά.It’s time that the tale were told!



Johnny and Morrissey talk band strategy and decide to get rid of a fellow member for the first (and not last) time.
It’s time that the tale were told!












Amy Poehler is one of my favourite funny people, known for her portrayal as Pawnee’s Leslie Knope in Parks and Recreation, which I’m a big fan of. She’s also a Saturday Night Live alum and co-founded the influential improv school, The Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre. via:zenpencils

This entry is part 137 of 168 in the series Tales of The Smiths




Ο Johnny Marr μιλάει για την σημασία του κομμωτή, Andrew Berry, στον σχηματισμό των Smiths.
It’s time that the tale were told!


Johnny Marr talks about the importance of hairdresser, Andrew Berry, in the formation of The Smiths.
It’s time that the tale were told!


This entry is part 16 of 99 in the series Music & Lyrics




“Vermillion Kisses” : ένα μουσικό παραμύθι σε σκίτσο του Βασίλη Γκογκτζιλά για τη σειρά Music and Lyrics

Ο διαγωνισμός Music & Lyrics του μήνα ολοκληρώθηκε! Νικητής ο ΗΛΙΑΣ ΣΤΑΜΑΤΑΚΗΣ!

The New Yorker

Posted: 20th August 2014 by socomic in Comic & Book Covers
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This entry is part 6 of 28 in the series magazine covers




Danny Shanahan discusses the inspiration behind his cover of this week’s issue.

“I used to always go in the ocean, but the last few times I’ve been to the beach, I’ve done exactly what those guys are doing,” Danny Shanahan says about this week’s cover. Shanahan didn’t tell us how he wears his trunks, but he explained why he now stays close to the shore. “The last three consecutive times I went in at the Cape, I ended up with a scratched cornea and in the urgent-care center there. Three times in a row, and it was just incredible pain. I couldn’t open my eyes, I couldn’t close my eyes, all because I had opened them underwater and got sand in there. It was just unbearable. So now I tend to either go to the mountains or play golf. The last vacation I had, I went to Scotland and played golf, and I didn’t even think about going in the water. I didn’t have to—with all the rain, the water comes to you.”


This entry is part 32 of 34 in the series Crossovers





Spongebob Squarepants & Starro the Conqueror στο σημερινό crossover του Ηλία Κυριαζή