Calvin&Hobbes by Bill Watterson!
You had to sneak into my room, ‘just’ to read my diary |Τα γράμματα του Morrissey το 1980-1981 στον φίλο του διά αλληλογραφίας, Robert Mackie.. Τales of The Smiths> by Con
“Όλος ο κόσμος είναι γύρω στα τρία ποτά πίσω – Humphrey Bogart”
O Διαγωνισμός Dracula Party ολοκληρώθηκε! Νικήτρια η Αλκμήνη
“I went on a whale watching trip with my wife and daughter,” Bruce McCall, the artist of this week’s cover, says. “We were half an hour out of Montauk, in the middle of the ocean, between Block Island and the North Shore, and suddenly these huge things came rolling up. It was just amazing—they’re so gigantic and so beautiful. I’m not often impressed by nature, but I remember that feeling when we saw the whales suddenly appear besides us, and it was very magical.”